Product group
Product type
+ Scissor lifts Edmolift
+ Csomagolóanyagok
+ Vacuum handling systems
+ Pallet inverter
Inverter 180º
DD Inverter
FS DC Inverter
FS Inverter
Other pallet inverter
° Tipper
RR1 Inverter
RR2 Inverter
Pallet changer
+ Winding systems Kabelmat
+ Wire processing
+ Lifting equipment
+ Transport equipment
+Containers, outside products


RR1 Pallet inverter RR2 Pallet inverter 90° Tipper
The RR Type 1 pallet inverter is specifically designed to handle heavy or wide loads. It works on the principle of clamping, reclining back and rotating through 180°. in order to turn the load upside down. The RR Type 2 pallet inverter is designed for the inversion of smaller and lighter loads. This compact model clamps and reclines hydraulically and turns by hand. It is most often used to invert stacked paper. Our 90° tipper is a customised tipping device to handle coils of steel or paper. Rather than using the rack and pinion system they are powered by one or two hydraulic rams pushing on a cam mounting and pivoting on twin bushes.
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